Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Motivated to find more Craft storage ideas!

Well, it wasn't long ago that I posted my idea for storing all the rogue ribbon I had running around my craft area. That got me on a misson to get the rest of my disaster area under control. Any of you who have had the pleasure (hee-hee) to see my craft area knows it is crazy. With three little ones who all help me craft it gets messy fast, especially when they are crafting and I am somewhere else in the house.  My craft area, or what my husband thought was going to be my craft area is the 2nd floor attic of our house. It is  an amazing space with sloped ceilings, and lots of windows. I Love it up there! It is just not fully functionable yet as our house is still partially under construction (which will probably be a blog story for some other time).

Any-hoo! I mentioned my husband thought it was going to be up there because my craft room has spread to the main floor, and yes even to the basement! He never really complains, I just think he quietly thinks I have lost my marbles!  So I looked around and corralled all my stuff that had gone rogue around our house and headed up stairs. It did take several trips, and technically I haven't even got it all, but it is in the process.  Once I got all my treasures up there I realized I had a HUGE mess. So began my hunt for better storage.

If you are like me you have a hodge-podge group of things containing your crafts. Rubber totes, those plastic pull-out shelf things on wheels, boxes, plastic bags, etc. Basically anything you could scrounge and get by with on the cheap.  I did get an awesome sewing type table at a yard sale, but it can't contain it all, and it just doesn't look pretty! I like things to look neat and orderly! Again those of you who have been to my house are thinking, ha-what! But I do! I just have a hard time achieving it.

So I decided my first misson was to find a way to get ride of the mix-n-matched small containers I have and I searched the web high and low and I found this idea!!!!!   I LOVE it! I will be creating this shortly!  Think of how pretty it will be!!

  DIY Craft Table

 I found it on this blog :http://knockoffdecor.com/storage-cube-work-table/.
It is simply two storage cube towers with two 2x6 beams on top that can be painted or stained! I plan to put a solid back on each cube set to keep items from getting pushed through onto my feet. I know my youngest would think that is the funnest game ever. Then I could simple get the coordinating storage cubes that fit the holes, and Tadaa! Awesome storage solution, extra work space for crafts, sewing etc. and it will look oh so pretty!

If you look at the picture again and notice her peg board. She has so nicely shown you the second storage system I was in the process of doing when I found this pic. Take old tin cans, wrap them in whatever fabric, or paper you like. Punch a hole the size of your peg board hook so it can run through the can, and yep you guessed it another tadaa! Great storage and easy access to scissors, pencils, etc.!!! 
I don't have a place for peg board so I am going to attach my cans to a magnetic knife strip nicely tucked out of the reach of my youngest!

Then if you happen to like her peg board, I do it just doesn't work in my craft space, you can create this yourself as well. I won't give details right now on how to do this, but if your crafty I'm sure you can figure it out! Just let me say don't be afraid to break out the power tools! I Love them!

So there you have it girls, two possibly three great money saving craft storage solutions!  Should mention I did create something similar to the craft table for my kiddos.  I found two night stands at a yard sale and paid like $5 for them both. Literally crammed, my sister will testify, them into the back of my already packed full car and drove off with no real idea of what they would be for. Just couldn't pass up the bargain. They are nice nightstands, not to look at, but well built.   My husband just thought again that I was nuts and just adding to my pile of lost ideas, but 5 years later, I showed him! Ha Ha!

I painted them in nice shades of brown, found some long boards that would fit nicely across the tops and created an extra long desk for my kids. There is two places to put chairs, and each of the older ones have a set of drawers to put thier treasures in! Perfect, and for under $15 you can't beat that.
Once I get my craft room presentable I will post a picture of this creation. I know you will be impressed. My husband was!

happy crafting
and feel free to post and craft storage tips you want to share. I would love to read them!

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