Friday, September 16, 2011

Crafting ADD!! Do you have it too??

Crafting ADD! Do you have it too?

I ventured upstairs to the craft room disaster lastnight once all the little ones were laid down. Oops, guess that's a lie, husband was rocking the littlest one so she technically wasn't asleep. Yesterday was a long day for the two of us (me and kate) running errands, cleaning, playing, etc.. So mommy was in need of a little quiet time before I went onto overstimulation mode! Not pretty.

See what I mean! I quess I not only have craft ADD I have typing a story ADD as well. What the heck is wrong with me? Seriously. Do any of you other mothers out there feel this way. I can just simply not focus, and that is one of the go to sayings at our house with the little ones, "Gracie! Focus!" and they usually will. Maybe I need a sign that says that and I can whack myself with it each time I get off track.  So back to the point of this story.

I ventured upstairs to see if I could tackle some of the disaster that has happened in my craft room. I have recently received huge boxes of goodies from relatives, purchased items to make new things and none of this stuff has found a home yet. So it turns out if you turn your back on your craft room for a couple nights all of these things will  kind of thrown-up onto the floor, tables, chairs, pretty much all over.  I decided to sort out a couple piles, notice I didn't say one pile, because I started with one and say something shiny in the other, so I jumped to that one. ADD in action!  In these two piles I found several projects that were anywhere from about 1/2 done to just the pieces piled together that would make a cute project.  A little later I ran upon the same thing. Then again. And then again!!  What the heck have I been doing with all this time I spend creating stuff??  Apparently being a poster child for ADD!  Maybe I should join a drug study and see if it helps! Ha! just teasing!

Many of you out there I am sure have the same feeling as I do! For those of you who don't, I just had a naughty thought about you!  This insane feeling of not being able to focus on one thing for longer then maybe 10 seconds, is not so great.  I recently went to a craft store with a friend of mine to get some specific items on a list. Yep I had a list. The list even made it into the car with us, and yep it made it into the store! Pretty sure that was an act from God! Those of you who know me personally will vouch for that.  Well after about an hour in the craft store we had taken a trek to the bathroom, a hunt for a missing headband, toured the same aisle about 4 times, and looked at stuff I in no way shape or form needed to be looking at, we headed to the check out! I really didn't have too much stuff for one of my trips to a craft store, and as I unloaded stuff for the checker I realized 3 different things.

1. I had some mystery items that my child had put in the buggy for me!
2. I didn't have 1/2 of the stuff on my list!
and 3. I had stuff to start even more projects.


What the heck is wrong with me. I gave the cashier the small pile of things that Kate had put in, and I'm sure I heard her mumble a potty word about that. SOrry store workers! If I went back through the aisle to attempt and find where they came from, we would just end up with more mystery items. So really I'm saving you work! ha!  I place the items that were on my list up there, and there in the bottom of the buggy was the makings for 3 new projects. Did I hand them to the clerk and say sorry we don't need these either? NO! and it wasn't because I thought she would call me a potty name, I really really wanted to try and make these things!  Stupid craft ADD!

So as I sit here typing this story, holding a wiggly almost 2 year old, checking out several other sites while I am thinking, and keeping our laundry moving, I realized something!  Having craft ADD is really not that bad of a thing to have. I guess it allows to me use my creative gifts, keep our household functioning, take care of my babies, and LOVE every minute of it without going clinically insane. So to those of you out there that don't have craft ADD, maybe you should be careful! ha! And maybe it's not really craft ADD as it is simply, Being a mommy with creative ideas! If you are like me you never really get enough time to truly finish a project. You either have to go wipe a small bootie, break up a fight, feed someone, or you simply fall asleep.

I decided I am going to try and embrace my craft ADD and make the best of it! I ventured upstairs while my kiddo was napping and pulled out one of the new project ideas I had from the other day and do you know what? It worked! It went together super easy!  And IT IS DONE!!!!  So due to the case of ADD I have I now have a new exciting creation that I other wise would not have if I would of stuck to my list!

So don't get down if you have several piles of unfinished crafts! Save them for the day when your little ones are all miraculously playing well together, or when you can't get to the craft store to pick up the one item you need to finish the project you are currently working on!  Stand up, say your name, and state that you have craft ADD. You will feel better, and maybe it will motivate you to finish off one of those projects.

Keep on craftin!

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