Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How to quickly clean a cast iron Skillet

Okay! I absolutely absolutely love to cook in my cast iron skillets!  When I get the skillet going and throw in some bacon and eggs, the smell reminds me of spending time at my Grandma's house.  I'm not sure she has ever owned anything but cast iron, and she is the best cook in the world. I have often wondered how she stayed sane all these years cooking 3 square meals a day in cast skillets and then cleaning them everytime?
I believe cooking in cast gives things a different flavor and think it is amazing!

But the down side of cast iron (Or what used to be the downside) is the cleaning of it afterwards.  ANyone who has used cast knows that sometimes things stick to it if you're not careful. Especially scrambled eggs!! Why is that?  They are cooking along just fine, and you go to stir them and you have like 1/4 of an inch of egg permanently adhered to the bottom of your skillet?  My fried eggs don't do this. I believe it is one of life's mysteries!! Anyways, back to the topic of this tip! 

Cast skillets are not to be submerged into your dish water as the soap wil take off all that great "seasoning" you have worked so hard to build up on it. (If you need to know how to season a skillet I will post that later.)  So you are stuck with scraping, prying, and cussing, trying to get the stick stuff out. Using a scouring pad to chisel out the left over stuff, totally wrecking your beautiful fingernails in the process!!  Think my grandpa told me once, to go find some good clean sand and put it in the toe of an old panty hoses and use that to scrub them out???? Okay, that sounds tricky on lots of levels. One where the heck do you find "clean" sand and two, who has panty hose anymore! he he!

Well, that process is gone! No More! Frustration, Aggravation, and ruined nails.  I stumbled upon this little gem of a trick somewhere (think an old cookbook) and I believe  people have been keeping this as a secret for years! Nobody ever told me this!!

Ready! Here is the oh so simple way to clean your skillet. 
Step 1- fill dirty skillet with water. enough to cover the stuff stuck on the bottom, and a little extra. If there is stuff stuck up the sides add a little extra, and cover with a lid.
Step 2 - Bring the water to a full boil for around 2 minutes!  May vary depending on how stuck it is. You will see the food begin to float around and break loose. 
Step 3- Run under a little water and WIPE OUT STUCK FOOD!!!!  ***Remember the skillet is HOT and the water you are pouring out is HOT!! So use a potholder, and be careful!

YEP! That's it! I swear that is a well kept secret.! It works great! I usually put the skillet on to boil while I am loading the dishwasher and wiping down the countertops, and by the time I am done it is ready to wipe out!
Then all your left with doing is using a paper towel to dry any excess water and rubbing a little crisco in it and you have a perfectly cleaned skillet ready for it's next use!

I hope you enjoy this tip! I know I have! Thank you to whoever came up with this.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pinterest!!!! UGHHHHH!!

So, am I the only one out there who has officially become addicted to Pinterest?  I sit down to try and accomplish something on the computer, and before I know it I have logged onto Pinterest!!!!! UGH!!!

30 minutes later, I am looking at the coolest stuff getting lots of great craft ideas, but basically accomplishing nothing!!! I have wasted the small window of time I have to spend on the computer before a tiny body plunks herself into my lap and says, "I Help u?"  I do have some great ideas pinned onto my boards, but will I ever have time to create these things!

So Frustrating! Yet I simply can't stop!!  Who created this!! They so totally rock, and suck at the same time!

I wasted a good hour yesterday when my little one who is still at home was napping sitting looking at peoples pins! I created absolutely nothing! I cleaned absolutely nothing!  SO I decided to stay up late while everyone was sleeping and get to cracking on some projects. And do you know what? I walked downstairs where my computer is at with the thought of printing off a pattern I had saved and logged onto.... yep you guessed it!! PINTEREST!! I am so totally obsessed!

Well bout 8 minutes later I realized the error of my ways, turned off the computer and walked up to my craft room.  3 hours later I had accomplished sooooomuch!   2 baby blankets, 2 crib sheets, 2 wreaths, and 4 headbands!! YEAH YEAH!  Maybe my obsession is over! ha anyone who follows my pins will be laughing at that because I was on there again today!

For those of you who have yet to check out this site??!!  Do so with great caution!  You will find so many fun, interesting, funny, yummy things there that it just might suck you into the vortex of obsession too!! It is basically a place where you can post to your "bulletin boards" anything you see on the web that you like! It will link it to you and have a direct link back to where you first saw! Great amazing resource!!      Proceed with caution!!!!

Kids Craft success!!??!

Well I conquered my first kids crafting class!! IT was a bit chaotic, but everyone had fun, created their own projects, and no one was injured!! Yeah!!  The first time you put yourself out there in a situation like this you have a little stress about wether you are capable to pull this off, and if you have chosen projects that are suitable for the age range of kiddos you have coming.  I learned several things from this first class.

Hot glue is an amazing thing for 7 year olds. The little whispy strings that you can create and then stretch across the room are simply put, Mesmerizing!  I am pretty sure I looked like I lived in a spider cave when I left for the night because I had strings of glue all over me. I would lean across the table to help a child, and the one that was standing next to me would pass the glue gun over my back to the girl on the other side of me, thus creating glue strings across my back and into my hair! Great!! And those of you who have seen me lately know my hair is already crazy so adding this affect really helped out!  Not really a big deal, but after awhile they are troublesome!!

I also now have a much better idea of what projects can be completed by different ages, and how long projects will take the kids to do.  I want to thank the parents that submitted their kiddos to my "guinea pig" class.  I learned alot from your kids, and I hope they had as much fun as I did!!

So I will be offering more crafting classes for kids! Yeah!  SInce the first time with 7 kiddos they each managed to create a fuzzy pumpkin, a pose-able mummy, and 3 bottlecap magnets. Everyone had fun, no one was injured and did I say it was fun!  Thanks again parents and kids! You Rock!

Check back often to see when the next class will be offered. Think a fall wreath project for adults, or maybe Christmas Present ideas for adults. and then we will go back to the kiddos for a Thanksgiving/fall class!!

and Happy Crafting!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Halloween Craft Class!!!

Halloween Craft Class!!

Date:   Oct 10th Monday
Time: 4:00 to 5:15ish
Place: Windom Church of Christ Building
East Kansas st. in Windom
Cost: $10.50 / child
Age:  7 and up

We will create 3 different Halloween crafts:
1 Fuzzy Pumpkin Spider

1 Pose-able Mummy
3-bottlecap halloween magnets

All supplies will be provided!

A Snack will be provided.
Please message me if you child would like to
attend. I will e-mail you a form that you will need to sign and return to me! It will fill on a first come first serve basis.
I will offer more if the first session fills up!!

Students of WES can arrive right after school for convenience and
have snack while they wait. Please be there to pick up
your children promptly at 5:15. Crafts take
varied time for each child so your child may be 5 min. later or so!
Come on in and watch.
Parents are welcome to wait inside, or outside, or they can watch
the fun!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fuzzy Pumpkin Spiders!

Fuzzy Pumpkin Spiders!!

Each year I try to have my kiddos create a decoration for
the upcoming season! Not only is it fun to create with them
but it is fun to look back and see what they made in
the years past as you get the decorations out for the season!
 Since Halloween is fast approaching I thought it would be fun to make some spooky spiders to sit or hang around the house. 
 So I found some treasure in the craft room that we could use this year to create our:
I saw something similar to this for sale at Michaels craft store, but thought it would be more fun to make them!
The older two had so much fun making them, Kate was too
little so I had to help her! (really she just played with the
pipe cleaners, but hey! She was happy!) So here is a guide
for you and your little ones to follow in creating your
This requires a low-temp glue gun so please supervise.
Best for ages 5 and up!

Here is what you will need:

-googley eyes *Sorry I didn't get these in the picture** however many
your little one wants his/her spider to have
-part of a feather boa (depends on your pumpkin size, will need enough to wrap around it
and cover the pumpkin. I divided mine into 3 pieces as we had little pumpkins.
-9 black pipe cleaners
-low-temp glue gun and extra glue sticks
-fake pumpkin (mine are the small ones)
- pieces of felt in a dark color :  2pieces that will go from stem to bottom edge of pumpkin  
1 piece about an inch square
2 pieces big enough to fit your spiders eyes on. I cut mine alittle big to make it easier
to get the eyes glued to them. you will trim it off later!
 (black, green, blue, whatever you have that won't
show up to much through the boa)
-scissors * sorry not pictured either**

Okay! Here is what you do to create your spider!

Step 1: 

 Take 8 of the pip cleaners and create legs! Hold the pipe cleaner and bend so that the ends match up. Then twist the folded end leaving a little loop to be the spiders foot. Twist the two loose ends all the way down
until you reach the ends. Creating one leg! Do to other 7 to create your fuzzy legs!

                                                                    This is what it should look like!

Step 2!

                                              Using one of the felt pieces that will go from the
                                                stem to the bottom of the pumpkin, begin to hot glue
on the legs. Run  a nice thick line of hotglue across the felt shortways and attach the end of a leg. Press the leg firmly into the glue and hold for a second (be careful  not to glue your finger to the felt! ha!)                     Continue to glue four legs to each piece. We alternated directions so that spider had some legs going forward, and some going back.

You should have something like this when they are all glued on!


Now you are ready to glue your eyes onto the pieces of felt you cut! It is easiest to put the glue onto the felt and then stick on an eye. Keeps fingers less sticky!  Stick them on however you like. There are no rules here!!

Once eyes are on carefully trim off the extra felt as close as you can!

Step 4!

    Now you are ready to hook your eyes onto the eye holders? Don't know what else to call these.  Take the last pipecleaner and bend the two ends in like this.  Place  hot glue on the felt on the back of the eyeballs and then glue it to the bent part of the pipecleaners.  Hold them there for a second or two to make sure they stick.

Step 5! 
 Now you simple place hotglue around the stem of the pumpkins and attach your eyes! Glue the loop of the eye pipecleaner around the stem. Adjust them now or wait until your boa is on. Doesn't matter..

Step 6! 

 Now you are ready to glue on the legs! Simply put hot glue, my kids used quite abit, onto the back of the felt that your legs are glued too and place on on each side of the pumpkin going up and down.

                            You should now have something like this!
                                          Beautiful! hee-hee!

Step 7! 
  Okay. Now you are ready to start attaching the boa, or the spider fuzz as my kids called it!  Place a good deal of hot glue onto the last piece of felt. the 1x1 ish piece.

Then stick one end of your boa into the glue and carefully hold down. Remember you are gluing feathers so it will come through to your fingers.

                      Then put glue on the back of the felt
              on the boa and glue it to the bottom of one
            of the felts that has legs on it!

Step 8! 

Last step! Slowly add glue and stick the boa to it, wrapping around as you go. We put glue on the felt of the legs, then inbetween the felt, and so on. Wrap your boa between the legs as you go. When you reach the top use a good dab of glue to get the very end to stick down by the stem!  You don't have to keep the boa wraps very close together since the fuzzyness of it will fill in the empty spots!

ANd Their you go! Your very own Fuzzy Pumpkin Spider!! 
Have fun! And keep on Crafting!

Falls Coming and My Slippers are Out!

One of my favorite parts of fall is the first day you go out to feed your animals and you realize, my feet are FREEZING!!!!  This morning as I ventured out in my orange plaid pj pants, old holey too big t-shirt of my hubbies, and my dependable brown flip-flops I realized something!  Okay I realized a couple things.

1. Man I need to invest in some decent jammies!
2. Man I am glad I live where neighbors can't see me in the mornings!
and finally
3. My Feet are FREEZING!!   YEAH!!!!  

In that moment I became so excited, because that is my official sign that fall is in the air!  I don't depend on the weather people,  they only recognize the area where I live when a tornado is going to blow us away (which I am thankful for) but for the most we aren't here, so since they ignore me I ignore them! I don't depend on the trees losing their beautiful leaves! That happened months ago because of the horrendous dry weather and heat!  I have always depended on my trusty toes, and this morning they were dancing for joy! (not actually dancing, my kiddos are embarrassed when I dance in the yard! Geesh!)

As I walked out to the barn to feed our kitties my toes told me that it was time to break-out the slipper shoes that I basically live in all fall and winter! Sorry Sara, I still haven't been able to locate a pair for you.  This are wonderful farm shoes! I have accidentally worn them out in public forgetting I have them on since they are so comfy! Whoops!  Nice and softly lined on the inside, not that terrible thick fuzzy stuff, who can wear those and not have their feet die of heat exhaustion (and odor)? These are soft flannel lined, fake sued-ish on the outside that cleans up nicely, and a hard rubber sole that lacks any serious tread! AWESOME!!  I realized their awesomeness quickly and hurried back to the store and bought a back-up pair, because if they are great they will  only have them for one year?!!?  Very puzzling concept for me!

For those of you who have to feed critters in the morning I am sure you quickly realize the amazing benefits of these shoes!  Not too fuzzy inside. This helps with the too hot problem, but also helps keep those little grass seed thingies that stick to everything and then poke the crap out of you later, from getting stuck in your shoe.  The easily cleaned outside, well that should go without explaining but here's a little. Animals equal: mud, sand, fur, and yep poop! Washable shoes are good!  And lastly the great bottoms that lack serious tread. That goes right along the same lines as the washable top. Where you have any type of out-door animal you have items that you really don't want attached to your shoe all day!

I try to approach all things in my life this way! Find what you like, what works for you, and stick with it!  And take the stuff that drags you down, and doesn't bring joy to your life and well, scrape it off your shoe!

So in short FALL has Arrived at our little homestead! I am sooo excited and ready. This summer has been long, hot, dry, hot, dry, and did I say hot! Our animals have gotten their spring back into their step as have I. They are awake, and moving and running for the feed dishes in the morning saying right along with me, "Woohoo!  My feet are cold!"  So in the spirit of fall I am busily creating some fall crafts that you can do along with your kiddos! So check out the upcoming blog:  Crafts with Kids for some fun projects ideas!!

Thanks for reading, and happy crafting!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bobby Pins

New Bobby Pins

Here are some new sets of bobby pins I have created! Each pretty is mounted to a 
nice quality bobby pin that are nice shiny silver!

Green Rose Bobbies!
Very pretty metal flower bobbies.
$3.50 for set

Pink Rose Bobbies!
Great metal flower bobbies.
$3.50 for set

Gorgeous Bobbies! have metal design with a jewel center!
$3.50 for set

Fun plastic flower bobbies. Flowers are plastic rimmed with metal.

                            Jeweled flower bobbies and Necklace set!

Very pretty set!
Bobbies are pretty detailed leaves with a cluster jewel
Neckace is made of two strands of chain, one silver and one dark silver
attached to a matching leaf and jewel charm. Necklace is  inches around.
Super cute
$13.75 for set!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Super Fast Chicken and Broccoli Skillet

Chicken Broccoli and Stuff

Don't know what to call this, because it kinda changes with what I have in the fridge each time. This is one that I have to make when my hubbie isn't home because of the first ingredient in the title. He swears he is allergic to the bird!! Weirdo! But his lose, it is super yummy and super fast!

2 chicken breast cut into bite size pieces (use what ever kind you have: boiled, grilled, roasted truly
     doesn't matter)
1/2 to 1 med onion cut in half and sliced. Depends on how much you like onion.
1 cup frozen broccoli or fresh (you can use more, or you can use less. I eyeball mine when I throw it in)
1/2 a package of Ranch dressing mix (the powdered kind) Leave it in powder form. Or if you buy
   it in bulk like I do about 3 tbsp.
1 to 2 tbsp butter
3 tbsp water (just enough to keep veggies from sticking and dryin out)

Now here are the list of ingredients you can use if you have them or not if you don't.
chopped asparagus
chopped green peppers
chopped celery

I have had each of these thrown in the mix and it is super yummy. Just add what you have and don't stress out about what you don't.

Step 1 - melt butter in large skillet and put broccoli if it is frozen in microwave for a couple min to unthaw it a little. Speeds things up and gets rid of some extra water. If your broccoli is fresh add it with step 2 instead

Step 2 - once skillet is warm add veggies that are raw and a little water, cover and let cook for 3 to 4 min. keep an eye on them so they don't get too done! Should still be sorta crisp.

Step 3 - add chicken and broccoli if it was the frozen kind. Heat chicken through.

Step 4 -  sprinkle with about 1/2 the ranch stir, and then add the rest of the ranch.

Step 5 - EAT! Enjoy!

As you can tell I like to wing-it when I cook. We don't live where it is really convienent to jump in the car and get something if you forgot it, or are out. So we have interesting meals sometimes! This recipe is adjustable and very very yummy.  You can add more or less of everything in it and make it just to your tastebuds satisfaction. I often add more ranch if the kids are eating because it seems to hide the broccoli taste? What ever works!


Mock Jumbalaya!

This is a go-to recipe at our house. You can choose to either make it the quick spur-of-the-moment way, or take a little more time and make it from scratch. Either way it is super yummy and easy!

1 smoked sausage (I use that U-shaped kind) DOn't know what it's actually called
2 c. cooked brown rice (I often use the microwaveable pouch)
1 bag frozen cut up green/red peppers and onions (if you chop your own you need 1 of each pepper
        and 1 med onion.)
1 to 2 tsp or so cajun seasoning. Do this to your taste this is just a questimate!
1 to 2 tbsp butter

The next two are optional. Use one or use both what ever you have handy. It is great anyway you want to go!
2 boiled chicken breasts cut into cubes 
1 cup chopped up ham

Step 1 - Place butter in large skillet and begin to melt it. While you are waiting chop up the sausage into bite size pieces of your liking. 
Step 2 - throw sausage, onions, and peppers into the skillet. Cook on med heat until sausage is starting to brown and onions are almost cooked.
Step 3 - add others meats if you are using them and cook around 2 min. more to heat them up.
Step 4 - add remaining ingredients are stir well.  Cook for 5 or so min more until everything is nicely heated through.

Sneaky Tip -  You can easily hide about a cup of squash in this concoction. Or about 1/2 c. of sweet potatoes.  I have to puree these, or use baby food to truly sneak them by. But either one will work if you need to hide a veggie. Just add them when you add the rice.

Enjoy! We do at our house.  SOrry I don't have a pic to post. But it is good!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Crafting ADD!! Do you have it too??

Crafting ADD! Do you have it too?

I ventured upstairs to the craft room disaster lastnight once all the little ones were laid down. Oops, guess that's a lie, husband was rocking the littlest one so she technically wasn't asleep. Yesterday was a long day for the two of us (me and kate) running errands, cleaning, playing, etc.. So mommy was in need of a little quiet time before I went onto overstimulation mode! Not pretty.

See what I mean! I quess I not only have craft ADD I have typing a story ADD as well. What the heck is wrong with me? Seriously. Do any of you other mothers out there feel this way. I can just simply not focus, and that is one of the go to sayings at our house with the little ones, "Gracie! Focus!" and they usually will. Maybe I need a sign that says that and I can whack myself with it each time I get off track.  So back to the point of this story.

I ventured upstairs to see if I could tackle some of the disaster that has happened in my craft room. I have recently received huge boxes of goodies from relatives, purchased items to make new things and none of this stuff has found a home yet. So it turns out if you turn your back on your craft room for a couple nights all of these things will  kind of thrown-up onto the floor, tables, chairs, pretty much all over.  I decided to sort out a couple piles, notice I didn't say one pile, because I started with one and say something shiny in the other, so I jumped to that one. ADD in action!  In these two piles I found several projects that were anywhere from about 1/2 done to just the pieces piled together that would make a cute project.  A little later I ran upon the same thing. Then again. And then again!!  What the heck have I been doing with all this time I spend creating stuff??  Apparently being a poster child for ADD!  Maybe I should join a drug study and see if it helps! Ha! just teasing!

Many of you out there I am sure have the same feeling as I do! For those of you who don't, I just had a naughty thought about you!  This insane feeling of not being able to focus on one thing for longer then maybe 10 seconds, is not so great.  I recently went to a craft store with a friend of mine to get some specific items on a list. Yep I had a list. The list even made it into the car with us, and yep it made it into the store! Pretty sure that was an act from God! Those of you who know me personally will vouch for that.  Well after about an hour in the craft store we had taken a trek to the bathroom, a hunt for a missing headband, toured the same aisle about 4 times, and looked at stuff I in no way shape or form needed to be looking at, we headed to the check out! I really didn't have too much stuff for one of my trips to a craft store, and as I unloaded stuff for the checker I realized 3 different things.

1. I had some mystery items that my child had put in the buggy for me!
2. I didn't have 1/2 of the stuff on my list!
and 3. I had stuff to start even more projects.


What the heck is wrong with me. I gave the cashier the small pile of things that Kate had put in, and I'm sure I heard her mumble a potty word about that. SOrry store workers! If I went back through the aisle to attempt and find where they came from, we would just end up with more mystery items. So really I'm saving you work! ha!  I place the items that were on my list up there, and there in the bottom of the buggy was the makings for 3 new projects. Did I hand them to the clerk and say sorry we don't need these either? NO! and it wasn't because I thought she would call me a potty name, I really really wanted to try and make these things!  Stupid craft ADD!

So as I sit here typing this story, holding a wiggly almost 2 year old, checking out several other sites while I am thinking, and keeping our laundry moving, I realized something!  Having craft ADD is really not that bad of a thing to have. I guess it allows to me use my creative gifts, keep our household functioning, take care of my babies, and LOVE every minute of it without going clinically insane. So to those of you out there that don't have craft ADD, maybe you should be careful! ha! And maybe it's not really craft ADD as it is simply, Being a mommy with creative ideas! If you are like me you never really get enough time to truly finish a project. You either have to go wipe a small bootie, break up a fight, feed someone, or you simply fall asleep.

I decided I am going to try and embrace my craft ADD and make the best of it! I ventured upstairs while my kiddo was napping and pulled out one of the new project ideas I had from the other day and do you know what? It worked! It went together super easy!  And IT IS DONE!!!!  So due to the case of ADD I have I now have a new exciting creation that I other wise would not have if I would of stuck to my list!

So don't get down if you have several piles of unfinished crafts! Save them for the day when your little ones are all miraculously playing well together, or when you can't get to the craft store to pick up the one item you need to finish the project you are currently working on!  Stand up, say your name, and state that you have craft ADD. You will feel better, and maybe it will motivate you to finish off one of those projects.

Keep on craftin!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Motivated to find more Craft storage ideas!

Well, it wasn't long ago that I posted my idea for storing all the rogue ribbon I had running around my craft area. That got me on a misson to get the rest of my disaster area under control. Any of you who have had the pleasure (hee-hee) to see my craft area knows it is crazy. With three little ones who all help me craft it gets messy fast, especially when they are crafting and I am somewhere else in the house.  My craft area, or what my husband thought was going to be my craft area is the 2nd floor attic of our house. It is  an amazing space with sloped ceilings, and lots of windows. I Love it up there! It is just not fully functionable yet as our house is still partially under construction (which will probably be a blog story for some other time).

Any-hoo! I mentioned my husband thought it was going to be up there because my craft room has spread to the main floor, and yes even to the basement! He never really complains, I just think he quietly thinks I have lost my marbles!  So I looked around and corralled all my stuff that had gone rogue around our house and headed up stairs. It did take several trips, and technically I haven't even got it all, but it is in the process.  Once I got all my treasures up there I realized I had a HUGE mess. So began my hunt for better storage.

If you are like me you have a hodge-podge group of things containing your crafts. Rubber totes, those plastic pull-out shelf things on wheels, boxes, plastic bags, etc. Basically anything you could scrounge and get by with on the cheap.  I did get an awesome sewing type table at a yard sale, but it can't contain it all, and it just doesn't look pretty! I like things to look neat and orderly! Again those of you who have been to my house are thinking, ha-what! But I do! I just have a hard time achieving it.

So I decided my first misson was to find a way to get ride of the mix-n-matched small containers I have and I searched the web high and low and I found this idea!!!!!   I LOVE it! I will be creating this shortly!  Think of how pretty it will be!!

  DIY Craft Table

 I found it on this blog :
It is simply two storage cube towers with two 2x6 beams on top that can be painted or stained! I plan to put a solid back on each cube set to keep items from getting pushed through onto my feet. I know my youngest would think that is the funnest game ever. Then I could simple get the coordinating storage cubes that fit the holes, and Tadaa! Awesome storage solution, extra work space for crafts, sewing etc. and it will look oh so pretty!

If you look at the picture again and notice her peg board. She has so nicely shown you the second storage system I was in the process of doing when I found this pic. Take old tin cans, wrap them in whatever fabric, or paper you like. Punch a hole the size of your peg board hook so it can run through the can, and yep you guessed it another tadaa! Great storage and easy access to scissors, pencils, etc.!!! 
I don't have a place for peg board so I am going to attach my cans to a magnetic knife strip nicely tucked out of the reach of my youngest!

Then if you happen to like her peg board, I do it just doesn't work in my craft space, you can create this yourself as well. I won't give details right now on how to do this, but if your crafty I'm sure you can figure it out! Just let me say don't be afraid to break out the power tools! I Love them!

So there you have it girls, two possibly three great money saving craft storage solutions!  Should mention I did create something similar to the craft table for my kiddos.  I found two night stands at a yard sale and paid like $5 for them both. Literally crammed, my sister will testify, them into the back of my already packed full car and drove off with no real idea of what they would be for. Just couldn't pass up the bargain. They are nice nightstands, not to look at, but well built.   My husband just thought again that I was nuts and just adding to my pile of lost ideas, but 5 years later, I showed him! Ha Ha!

I painted them in nice shades of brown, found some long boards that would fit nicely across the tops and created an extra long desk for my kids. There is two places to put chairs, and each of the older ones have a set of drawers to put thier treasures in! Perfect, and for under $15 you can't beat that.
Once I get my craft room presentable I will post a picture of this creation. I know you will be impressed. My husband was!

happy crafting
and feel free to post and craft storage tips you want to share. I would love to read them!

Friday, September 9, 2011

More Hats

Here are some more hats!
These are all hand made and are super cute!

Shipping is done by # of items purchased.

Bubba's Hat in Tan!

Very stylish boys hat. (Can be girls too)
Size 3T to 8 yrs
100% Cotton
Machine wash cold machine dry low
Very soft yarn
Design by Adrienne Engar

Shows how Bubba's hat fits!   
  This is just brown. Color not available at this time in this size! 

Girlie's Cap!
100% Cotton
Very soft yarn
Machine wash cold machine dry low
Removeable flower
pattern can be found at AngelsChest on etsy

Toddler size Girlie's Hat
Shown on a 2 year old! Super cute hat!
100% Cotton
Very Soft Yarn
Machine wash cold machine dry low
Double flower both removeable and can be worn seperate
Pattern can be found at AngelsChest on etsy

Celeste Hatin Turquoise!
Celeste Hat $20.00
100% Acrylic
Super Bulky Yarn very thick and warm
Machine wash cold machine dry low
Design : Up North Knits

Bubba's Hat in Brownish!
Letyton's Hat
0-6 months 92% Acrylic / 8% Rayon
Machine wash cold machine dry low
Hat comes down over ears and sits just above eyebrows
Design: Adrieene Engar

Girlie's Hat in Black!
2T to Pre-teen
100% Cotton
Machine wash cold machine dry low
Removeable flower

Extra Flowers
 These are extra flowers that you can use to put on the hats
that have removable flowers. They just slide over the button that is
attached to the hat!

They are $4.00 a piece

Girlie hat in Green!
 Small Adult / 22"
Can fit a child or teen as well
Color: Evergreen
Flower: Paprika or choice of color (see photo of flowers) Interchangeable
100% Cotton / USA
Machine Wash/Dry
Pattern Designer:

Girlie Hat in Paprika!
Small Adult / 22"
Can fit a child or teen as well
Color: Paprika
Flower: Evergreen or choice of color (see photo of flowers) Interchangeable
100% Cotton / USA
Machine Wash/Dry
Pattern Designer:

The Classic!
The classic with a flower!
Can be apecial ordered three ways:
With the band
With out the band
With flower (not interchangeable) Size: 6 months - 2 yrs (17 1/2")
Color: Barley
92% Acrylic 8% Rayon
Machine wash/dry
Designer: Adrienne Engar

The Classic!
The Classic Plain!
Can be ordered three ways:
With the band
With out the band
With flower (not interchangeable)Size: 6 months - 2 yrs (17 1/2")
Color: Barley
92% Acrylic 8% Rayon
Machine wash/dry
Designer: Adrienne Engar

Crazy Hat!
Fun Hat for Toddler
100% Cotton USA
Machine W/D

This is an awesome selections of hats all made by my mom! She is an amazing crocheter! Don't miss out on these. There is only one of each as of now. She likes to change things up so she doesn't get bored. If you see it and like it. Better grab it!